Alfred Almond Youth Baseball
Concession Workers Schedule
Coaches and Teams
Major League Schedule
Minor League Schedule
T-Ball Schedule
Concession Workers Schedule
Umpire Schedule
Calendar of Events
Commisioner's Corner

Thank you for helping in this way and supporting Alfred-Almond Youth Baseball!  Whenever a given team is playing, somebody from that team has been assigned to help man the concession stand.  The purpose of this page is to be a reference for those who are wondering when their assignment is up.
Last revised:  4/26/06

Thursday 4/27 (Postponed)

Canisteo 1 @ A's (Patrick Greaney + Cody Clark)


Saturday 4/29

Yankees (Zachary Ermer) @ Dodgers (Ty Porter) (1:00)

Pirates (Seth Powell) @ Cubs (Josh Ritenberg) (3:00)

A's (Martin Fromont) @ Red Sox (Aaron Haase) (6:00)


Monday 5/1

Yankees (John Mormino) @ Pirates (Austin Bossard)


Tuesday 5/2

Dodgers (Austin Neill) @ Cubs (Parker Bryant-Cardy)


Wednesday 5/3

Canisteo 1 @ Red Sox (Brett Hurd + Jacob McNulty)


Thursday 5/4

Cubs (Hunter Kolesar) @ Yankees (Anthony Caveletti)


Friday 5/5

Red Sox (Bryce Green) @ A's (Keith Vosburg)


Saturday 5/6

Canisteo 2 @ Phillies (Montana Ames + Patrick Chamberlain)


Monday 5/8

Dodgers (Timothy Corkey) @ Pirates (Alex Grey)


Tuesday 5/9

Dodgers (Jason Latham) @ Yankees (Jordan Tomm)


Wednesday 5/10

Canisteo 3 @ A's (Colby Curran + Jamie Sutton)


Thursday 5/11

Cubs (Hunter Clark) @ Pirates (Brandon VanTreese)


Friday 5/12

Phillies (Trevor McDonough) @ A's (Patrick Cooper)


Saturday 5/13  (1:00)

Pirates (Colin Johnson) @ Dodgers (Stephen Ermer)


Monday 5/15

Cubs (Cameron Perry) @ Yankees (Connor Calkins)


Wednesday 5/17

Canisteo 3 @ Red Sox (Jonathan Mix + Chris Cook)


Thursday 5/18

Cubs ( Cody Kinnaird) @ Dodgers (Jake Chamberlain)


Friday 5/19

Red Sox (Tyler Harrell) @ Phillies (Kevin Fraser)


Saturday 5/20

Pirates (Joseph Macaluso) @ Yankees (Trevor Kokot)


Monday 5/22

A's (Josh Ells) @ Phillies (Chris Charles)


Tuesday 5/23

Yankees (Jaesuk Lee) @ Dodgers (Jacob Shilling)


Wednesday 5/24

Canisteo 4 @ Phillies (Travis Raub + Dakota Silsby)


Thursday 5/25

Pirates (Joseph Martin) @ Cubs (Robert Taft)


Tuesday 5/30

Yankees (Nick Chaney) @ Pirates (Greg Boardman)


Wednesday 5/31

Phillies (Tyler Baker) @ A's (P.J. Black)


Thursday 6/1

Dodgers (Nick Mulheisen) @ Cubs (Clayton Mills)


Friday 6/2

Phillies (Nicolas Sluyter-Beltrao) @ Red Sox (Jesse Beam)


Saturday 6/3

Yankees (Casey Young) @ Cubs (Sam Gorman)


Monday 6/5

Red Sox (Tyler Vandyke) @ Phillies (Stephen Johnson)


Thursday 6/8

Dodgers (Nicholas Graves) @ Pirates (Matthew Mayes)


Friday 6/9

A's (Nik VonStackelberg) @ Red Sox (Lucas Bayus)

Please report to concession stand a half an hour before the game begins.  Your assistance in clean-up is expected.  If you can't work on your scheduled night it is your responsibility to find a replacement.  If you have any questions please contact your coach.  Thanks for your support!
Thanks in advance to all of you that will work in the concession stand over the season!  Remember, if for any reason you cannot work on your scheduled night, it is up to you to find a substitute. 

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